Tuesday 4 October 2016

steps to living healthy and fit

1. Eat right: take good food into ur system; your diet must not contain only sugar. Mix more vegetable with ur meals to live healthy.                    2. Too much fat gotten through oil will not help you live healthy you might end up growing fat. And some times it infect your body with wrinkle.                                               3. Use the right cream and soap on your skin bleaching cream end up damaging your body why not use moistening lotion to help your skin glow and learn to avoid using fake product on your body.                        4. Take water has often has you can daily it purge impurity off your system and it also helpful in regulating your body temperature. 5.  Be happy always it helps the heart function well. When you are happy you tend to look younger compared to when your face harden up .                                             6.  Ease your self of worries. Trials are part of the experience that makes up our stories in life. Dont let your worries get to you negatively to avoid health problems.                     7. Appreciate your self always:   dont let any one ruin your mood by telling you u look ugly or you dont have a nice shape. Learn to stick to the fact that you are beautifully created by God. No one should make you feel less important or inferior.              8.  Live a normal life: be real always; don't impress people with lies and fake story. It does not edify a true being when you live in a fake world. 9. The most important thing love God: live your life to please God.

Friday 30 September 2016

Rudiments of fashion

Fashion is your believe that thing you wear that makes you attractive, you feel at ease wearing it; you have no doubt sometimes what we call fashion might seem awkward. But to you, you feel it comfortable and good. The important tips is fashion Remains
1. Learn to blend colour properly very bright colours should be complemented with a cool colour
2. Your styles must stand out simply unique and with less complexity try to create a fashion sense unique only to you. You wear it best idea.
3. Your style must suit you in the right way not too big not too small 4. Be comfortable with whatever style you choose.
5. Let your opinion count more on your styles, less priority should be given to people idea about your style.